Drive-by analiza

Need a quick and accurate opinion on the value of a property?

Real estate valuation is more important today than ever before. Our “Drive-by analysis” service provides you with insight into basic real estate data and provides analyzed market value based on real estate inspection without detailed inspection and analysis of documents submitted by the client and relevant real estate databases. We make real estate appraisals for portfolios of all types and sizes of real estate, for commercial, office, retail, industrial and logistics, and hotels, individual real estate, land and residential real estate. Our real estate appraisers, as members of RICS and certified forensic experts for architecture, construction and real estate appraisal, provide you with the highest level of qualifications and experience. As a customer, you can always rely on transparency, adherence to delivery dates,

What Spiller Farmer offers

Investment,valuation and advisory Services

The real estate appraisal services we provide include appraisals or / with wide application…

Retail Services

The retail space department offers a full range of services that will meet the specific needs of our customers…

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